WeatherBeeta ComFiTec Essential Mesh II Fly Sheet Umbrella Print
Was: $114.99Now: $68.99 -
Fly Sheets
Don't let horse flies ruin the summer for you and your horse . A new fly sheet from Mary's will provide your horse with protection from flies, mosquitoes and other inconsiderate insects, keeping your animal comfortable and content. Mary's Tack offers sizes ranging from miniature horse and pony, all the way up to warmblood or draft horse, with every size in between. We have the latest colors, too, as well as patterned and traditional fly sheets. Whether you're looking for a fly sheet with a neck, a detachable neck or a belly guard to protect your horse's sensitive midline, we've got you and your horse covered.
We carry all of the best brands such as WeatherBeeta, Amigo, Centaur, Kensington and many others, so your horse will appreciate the chemical-free protection these fly sheets provide. Some of our sheets provide added UV protection and come pre-treated with fly repellent. A fly sheet for horses paired with a fly mask and fly leg wraps can provide outstanding protection for your horse with less use of fly sprays. Mary's also offers a large selection of fly masks and fly boots in all sizes to complement your new fly sheet.