The origin of Atwood Hat Company lies with one rancher's search for a durable work hat that looked nice enough to head into town once the chores were done. Dick Atwood and his wife Sharon owned a ranch in Texas, where a lightweight cool hat that blocks the sun is a necessity. In 1987, Dick bought a palm leaf hat while on a trip to Mexico. He was pleasantly surprised at how well the hat stood up to tough ranch conditions. Dick's friends noticed, too, and soon they wanted palm leaf hats like his. Dick made another trip to Mexico and purchased many hats to sell back home. And sell he did! Dick originally stored his hats in a 12 x 16 portable building on the ranch. Within a month his fledgling hat business had outgrown the small building.
Dick, now retired from ranching, found himself in the Western hat manufacturing business. Using the palm leaf material to create his own cowboy hat designs, Dick's new business set up shop in Frankston, Texas. The Atwood Hat Company thrived thanks to the expertise and authenticity inherent in the hat designs. Soon they added a straw cowboy hat, felt hat, and bangora straw Western hat. In 2001, Atwood Hat Company started making a shantung straw hat to add to the line. This outstanding quality hat is the ultimate Western dress hat that's lightweight and durable. Atwood has added quality cowboy hats for kids, too, offering beautiful Western hats with the same attention to detail and performance as the adult hats.
Coming full circle, the Atwood Hat Company is now back on the Atwood Ranch. The tiny portable building has given way to a 12,000 square foot warehouse and office. This family run hat business still prides itself on quality, innovation, and esthetics. Mary's Tack is pleased to offer Atwood Hat Company Western hats like the 7X Felt Hat in black, silverbelly crystal, and buckskin, the Atwood Nevada Palm, the Tex Straw Hat from the Bob Moorhouse Collection, and the Langtry. Mary's has children's hats from Atwood like the Kids Bangora Cowboy Hat, the Kids Pinto Palm Hat in black or pink, and the Kids Cowboy Hat in white. Great hats for boys and girls for showing, riding, and ranch work! From the original palm hats to the straw, bangora, shantung, and felt hats, Mary's has a great selection of Atwood Hat Company Western hats for men, women, and children. Shop our low prices and enjoy the friendly, personal service and quick shipping our customers love.