How to Measure a Horse for a Blanket

Posted by Mary's Tack & Feed on 28th Oct 2020

How to Measure a Horse for a Blanket

A horse blanket is one of the most important parts of your horse's tack, especially if you live in a colder climate. Whether you're looking for something to protect your horse against frequent wind and rain or a filled blanket to keep him or her warm during dipping winter temperatures, Mary's Tack and Feed has you covered with high quality horse blankets for all types of horses.

Before shopping for a blanket, you'll need to know how to properly measure your horse for a blanket to ensure that you get the right size. An improperly sized horse blanket could pose a few dangers for your horse: blankets that are too small may not offer the proper amount of protection and may prove very uncomfortable, while blankets that are too large could get caught on fences or trees and they may easily shift and cause a hazard for the horse . Here's exactly how to measure your horse for a blanket, whether you have a pony or a full sized horse.

  1. Set Up Your Horse for Measuring. Bring your horse into the barn area and tie them with cross ties in order to create a level, squared body.
  2. Measure from Chest to Tail. Using a soft measuring tape, measure from the center of your horse's chest to the center of their tail, making sure to keep the tape pulled tight across the widest part of the shoulder. Note: You won't need to measure around the horse's belly, as all blankets feature adjustable straps that allow you to create a custom fit.
  3. Learn to Measure Alone. If you're measuring your horse alone and can't reach the tail, pull the measuring tape to the widest point you can, mark the point on the tape with your finger, then take a second measurement starting from that point and ending at the tail. Simply add these two numbers together to achieve the same effect.  **We find that just about every horse owner can round up a good piece of bailing twine! You can tie a knot in one end and a knot in the other where it meets the tail then measure that!
  4. Round the Number to the Closest Blanket Size. Because most horse blankets come in even numbers, round up to the closest inch.
  5. Use the Brand's Sizing Chart. Because all horse blanket brands use their own sizing, you'll want to check and double check the sizing chart before making your blanket purchase. As long as you have your horse's measurements, you're sure to find a perfect fit. If you are supremely lucky enough to be close enough you can bring that to Mary's Tack and Feed we'll use that to choose your size; since blankets may run big or small and not always true to a measurement!
  6. Now that you know your horse's measurements and you're ready to start shopping for a blanket, you'll want to keep in mind the various types of blankets and their specific uses. While lightweight turnout sheets are plenty for cooler spring months or warmer climates, horses that live in places with cold winter climates, harsh winds and snow will need a filled blanket with a waterproof shell. It's not uncommon to even  have a wardrobe of varying layers for your horse if you are dealing with varying temperatures within the season as we do here in Southern California.

    Browse the numerous different types of horse blankets at Mary's Tack and Feed, including winter horse blankets, rain sheets, coolers and scrim sheets and more.