Stubben Steeltec Sweet Copper Jointed Bradoon
The Stubben Steeltec Sweet Copper Jointed Bradoon has a single jointed 12 millimeter mouthpiece that has a somewhat strong rein effect. The jointed mouthpiece will act on the lips, tongue, bars, and palate. The Stubben Sweet Copper Jointed Bradoon can be used in conjunction with a Weymouth bit for your double bridle or used alone as a snaffle.
- Stubben 2296
- Sweet Copper 12mm mouthpiece
- 55mm loose rings
Steeltec Sweet Copper Jointed Bradoon from Stubben has steel loose rings that let the bit move easily into the correct position. The sweet copper encourages the horse to salivate and soften and encourages bit acceptance. Find out if the Stubben Steeltec Sweet Copper Jointed Bradoon is the dressage bit you've been looking for with the Mary's Bit Rental Program. Click now for details!