Jeremiah Watt Two Moons Snaffle Dee
Jeremiah Watt Two Moons Snaffle Dee is almost too gorgeous to use, but go ahead and see what a lovely bit this is! The stunning engraving and the stylized dee cheeks elevate this western bit to a work of art. Jeremiah Watt engraved dee is a single joint snaffle with a substantial feel and superb performance. Beautifully made bit has dee cheeks that rotate on the mouthpiece, aligning the engraving when the horse has the bit in his mouth. The curved mouthpiece has stripes of copper on the underside to encourage a moist, soft mouth.
Two Moons Snaffle from Jeremiah Watt has decorated stainless steel cheeks and a stainless steel mouth with copper inlays. Made with pride in the USA. Start your young horse off right with the unsurpassed quality and signature style of a Jeremiah Watt western bit. The Two Moons Snaffle Dee is eligible for Mary's Bit Rental Program. Click now for details!
- Stainless steel with decorated cheeks
- Single joint snaffle with copper inlays
- Made in USA
1 Review
Two Moons Snaffle Dee
Beautiful bit and very functional. Would love to see it in bronze too.