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Incrediwear Equine

Incrediwear Circulation Standing Wraps

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$135.00 - $160.00
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Incrediwear Circulation Standing Wraps

Incrediwear Equine Circulation Standing Wraps support your horse's legs while promoting healing and reducing swelling. These quilted leg wraps have fabric technology to enhance blood circulation and lymphatic drainage. Circulation Standing Wraps from Incrediwear Equine are ideal for post-exercise recovery, stable rest, injury rehabilitation, or long-distance travel.

  • Incrediwear Equine EN101, 102, 103, 104
  • Promotes Circulation, Lymphatic Drainage
  • One Pair (2 Total Wraps)
  • Sizes: 12", 14", 16", 18"
  • Gray, Black

The fit is snug but non-compressive, providing continuous therapeutic benefits without restricting blood flow. Circulation Standing Wraps are especially beneficial for horses who show and compete and need to recovery quickly for the next day's events and classes. The Incrediwear athletic fabric in the standing wraps regulates tissue temperature to prevent overheating. The wraps can also be applied wet, particularly with warm or hot water, to create an 'ice bandage' effect that eases swelling and discomfort. Get a pair of Incrediwear Circulation Standing Wraps for the front legs and a pair for the hind legs to create the ultimate relief for your horse.

HOW IT WORKS: Germanium and Carbon elements within the fabric are activated by body heat to emit infrared waves. These waves cause cellular vibration, transferring energy to intracellular water. The next step is activating molecular vibrations that increase blood circulation and lymphatic flow. This brings more oxygen and nutrients to the target area, clears out by-products, and optimizes natural healing and recovery.
