Ice Horse Cold Capsule Inserts 12 PACK
The Ice Horse First Ice Replacement Pack is a non-gel formula that stays soft and configurable when removed from the freezer. FIRST+ICE Inserts made of a patented Propylene Glycol formula which is food grade for quality assurance and non-toxic properties. This pack is designed for to be used for cold and heat therapy. Stays cold for up to 2 hours in any of the Ice Horse boots.
- 12 Inserts
Directions for use:
For Ice Therapy - Leave the First Ice Inserts in your home or stable freezer overnight and remove just before use. Store in a portable ice chest as necessary if you will be transporting them to your barn. The dry cold material is solid coming from the freezer. A simple 10-second massage of the re-freezable/ reusable bag results in a loose, flexible, cold source that configures to the horse's leg immediately. Insert pack into your Ice Horse boot. When finished, wipe down the FIRST+ICE packages and return them to the freezer.
- 12 Inserts