Collegiate Wide Raised Padded Bridle
Collegiate Wide Raised Padded Bridle with softly padded monocrown offers an ergonomic fit and impressive good looks for horse showing or training. The Mono Crown Padded Raised Cavesson Bridle is made with fine European leather and includes matching rubber reins.
- Brown leather
- Mono crown
- Stainless steel fittings
- Cob, Full, Oversize
- Rubber reins
The raised plain noseband and shaped browband of the Collegiate Wide Bridle deliver a distinctive look that will flatter the horse's head. Low key stitching highlights the beauty and quality of the leather. An anatomic crown is low profile and comfortable, allowing the horse to easily move his ears. The Collegiate Mono Crown Padded Raised Bridle is fitted with durable polished stainless steel hardware and comes complete with matching rubber reins. Black leather Collegiate Wide Raised Padded Bridle may also be available. Please contact us if it is not currently in stock.