
Price Match Policy


Give Mary's a chance to match that "everyday" price on our in-stock items!

When you compare ‘saddles to saddles’ you’ll see that Mary’s has competitive pricing on all our products. Plus, with Mary’s outstanding customer service and knowledgeable sale associates, Mary's pricing is a true value. But - if you find a price lower than ours, prior to purchasing, let us know! We want the opportunity to compete!

We'll match product pricing if ...
 Product you're looking at is exactly the same. New, not shopworn or used.
 It's an everyday price (not sale, clearance, discontinued)
• Our competitor has it in stock ready to ship to you
• It's not something the competitor has priced unfairly below manufacturer's required pricing standards - WHOA! What's that mean? Well, simply stated: many manufacturers set pricing standards - and we play by the rules.
• The competitor's shipping costs will be factored into the price match, and California residents must pay sales tax.
• We will not match eBay, Amazon or similar sites
• Mary's does not price match international websites (websites based outside the United States)

• There may be a few items we just can't price match, but we'll do our best!

Mary's has been in business since 1963, with knowledgeable sales associates and an "A-List" tack store rating by our manufacturers. We stand behind every product we sell and genuinely appreciate your business. Thank you!